May OAFC Crier 2019

Ambassadors met at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in Onalaska, WI on April 6th and 7th. They spent a lot of time training on the various witnessing methods, canvassed the town of Onalaska, and visited a local nursing home. It was encouraging to see the number of congregation members who volunteered to drive Ambassadors to the neighborhoods and they certainly made sure that there was plenty to eat. It was also wonderful to see parents with their own children participating in the weekend. This ministry is for families, and it is our hope that this will continue with the Wisconsin group and with other emerging groups.
Summer Training 2019
July 26th-30th will be the OAFC Annual Summer Training in southern Minnesota! Participants will attend an OAFC Weekend as a part of training. Ambassadors will also have opportunity to attend workshops on a variety of topics including weekend and group leadership, and hearing from professionals of evangelism methods.
This year we will be bringing in experts on a few OAFC witnessing methods. One presenter will be Dave Horn; who will be giving a concert and presenting on how he uses music and singing to share of Jesus love and forgiveness. Dave and Sabra Horn work as full-time missionaries-at-large, bringing new Biblical, exegetical music to the Church and her schools.
This year we will be bringing in experts on a few OAFC witnessing methods. One presenter will be Dave Horn; who will be giving a concert and presenting on how he uses music and singing to share of Jesus love and forgiveness. Dave and Sabra Horn work as full-time missionaries-at-large, bringing new Biblical, exegetical music to the Church and her schools.
Sign up for Travel Team!
Looking for further opportunities to develop your ambassador skills after Summer Training? Travel Teams have gone all over the country, and even out of it. This summer sign up to be on a travel team to help build new groups in the Northern Midwest!
The organization of Ongoing Ambassadors for Christ is actively seeking nominations for individuals to serve on the Board of Directors. These individuals will serve on the board for the next three years and play an active role in the operations and casting visions of the ministry of OAFC. Nominations may be made by commissioned ambassadors and sent to [email protected] by May 15th. The nominee does not currently need to be commissioned.The specific positions that are up for election are:
- Adult Female (over the age of 21)
The organization of Ongoing Ambassadors for Christ is actively seeking nominations for individuals to serve on the Board of Directors. These individuals will serve on the board for the next three years and play an active role in the operations and casting visions of the ministry of OAFC. Nominations may be made by commissioned ambassadors and sent to [email protected] by May 15th. The nominee does not currently need to be commissioned.The specific positions that are up for election are:
- Adult Female (over the age of 21)
Prayer Requests
- Pray for Pastor Tim Mueller as he recovers from cancer.
- Pray that God would raise up leaders in His church through the ministry of OAFC
- Pray for the new groups that are growing in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and South Dakota.
Finding Truth in a Lying World

Jacob Fosse, East Iowa.
College, “it’s up to you,” choose your own way” “whatever is best for you.” The drone continues, choose choose choose, they say, “you are in charge of your destiny and you if you come here, your dreams will come true.” choose choose choose, what to eat where to hang out what to do with your life. And in this sea of choice, the devil is at work, many ideas are presented by him as “what’s true for you.” Choices of school slowly turn to choices of morality. Many people fall into the devil’s trap. It’s a subtle trap. A field of landmines ready to blow my faith away. As I plan to live in this Hub of the world, I am comforted by the thought that I was once a lost and condemned sinner, dead in my transgressions. I couldn’t choose to believe, I couldn’t choose to do good. But Jesus has saved me by the Gospel and it wasn’t a decision of mine. Now, Jesus speaks to me through his word, as I travel in this dangerous world of wrong choices and false beliefs, I know I don’t have to choose “what’s right for me.” because Jesus is Truth. I know that I have the ultimate guide in his word to guide my steps, to compare every new idea to it and refute the false doctrines of the world. With that in mind, I can focus my studies at College so that I may learn more about him through his creation and please Him in my education. Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6
College, “it’s up to you,” choose your own way” “whatever is best for you.” The drone continues, choose choose choose, they say, “you are in charge of your destiny and you if you come here, your dreams will come true.” choose choose choose, what to eat where to hang out what to do with your life. And in this sea of choice, the devil is at work, many ideas are presented by him as “what’s true for you.” Choices of school slowly turn to choices of morality. Many people fall into the devil’s trap. It’s a subtle trap. A field of landmines ready to blow my faith away. As I plan to live in this Hub of the world, I am comforted by the thought that I was once a lost and condemned sinner, dead in my transgressions. I couldn’t choose to believe, I couldn’t choose to do good. But Jesus has saved me by the Gospel and it wasn’t a decision of mine. Now, Jesus speaks to me through his word, as I travel in this dangerous world of wrong choices and false beliefs, I know I don’t have to choose “what’s right for me.” because Jesus is Truth. I know that I have the ultimate guide in his word to guide my steps, to compare every new idea to it and refute the false doctrines of the world. With that in mind, I can focus my studies at College so that I may learn more about him through his creation and please Him in my education. Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6