Friday-Sunday Weekend Schedule
90/90 Survey Schedule ending at 8:40pm Friday 7:00pm Registration 7:00 Group Singing of Gospel Songs interspersed with: - Getting Acquainted and Introduction of the OAFC Ministry - Witnessing Methods, Drama, and Puppet presentations shared - Personal Witnesses 8:10 Small Group Bible Studies 8:30 Large Group Sharing - Recap of Bible Studies – Singing and Prayer - Instructions for Host Homes and Saturday Activities 8:40 Hosts arrive, Ambassadors assigned for housing GUIDELINES FOR THE HOST FAMILIES given to each host 8:45 Hosts depart with Ambassadors Saturday 8:30am Confirm attendance, Singing, Prayer 8:45 Christian Baptism Bible Study for newcomers Alternate study for Ambassadors who have been through the Baptism study 9:45 Preparation for Witness Survey and travel to survey areas 10:10 Load vehicles to go to survey areas 10:15-11:45 Witness Survey of the Community 12:00pm Lunch served by the church (Thank You Song) 12:45 Sharing of morning calls 1:00 Witness Training, review of Witnessing Methods, replenish Survey supplies 1:10 Load vehicles to go to survey areas 1:15-2:45 Witness Survey of the Community 2:45 Tabulation of reports and writing letters to Prospects 3:00 Sharing of afternoon calls 3:30 Preparation for nursing home visit/puppets practice 3:50 Leave for Nursing facility 4:00 Nursing home visit (Drama/Puppets, Singing, Personal Witness) 4:45 Review logistics for Sunday School/Bible Class 5:00 Dinner served by church (Thank You Song) 5:45 Prayer Partners, Personal Witness Training/Sharing 6:15 Drama/Puppets 7:45 Evaluation and guidelines for newcomers – sharing time for others 8:10 Review logistics for church service 8:40 Adult Hosts pick up Ambassadors Sunday 8:30am Worship Service preparation 10:15 Sunday School and Bible Class 12:00 A shared meal by the congregation with the Ambassadors (Thank You Song) 12:30 Sing-A-Long and fellowship with the congregation 1:00 Rite of departure and Leave for home. |