There's a lot going on this Summer Travel Team: We're partnering with the Office of National Mission's Witness, Outreach, and Revitalization director Rev. Mark Wood to conduct an outreach academy at the National Youth Gathering. Those signed up for the academy will get to go out into the French Quarter and share the Gospel with people on the street with our Good News Cards, street puppet shows, and some digital resources from the Witness and Outreach crew. This will be a great addition to the mercy missions that the youth get to do at the NYG, as we get to actually speak the words of the Gospel to individuals in the New Orleans community. Summer Training: St. John Lutheran Church in Seward, NE is hosting our Summer Training following the National Youth Gathering. Youth and adults from 8 different state groups are gathering to grow in their faith in Christ while sharing the Faith with the unchurched. We have some great workshops lined up from how to deal with temptations, biblical history, apologetics, applying OAFC at home, how to lead a Sunday School opening, and prayer. And our keynote speaker is our own Ms. Jennifer Krupp, speaking on the wok of mercy in her home town of Ferguson, MO. | Pray With Us: Please keep our youth and adults, churches and contacts in your prayers. Especially please remember 1) Our Travel Team in New Orleans, LA July 14th-22nd 2) Our Summer Training in Seward, NE July 22nd-27th 3) Our local groups throughout the country 4) Our Synod, as OAFC answers so many of the needs and desires expressed at the Synod Convention |
Synodical Convention:
The Synod Convention in Milwaukee, WI has had some exciting decisions that show that we need what OAFC does as a Synod, as local churches, and as the world. Here's just a quick look.
1) Delegates adopt new mission priority, resolutions on youth and family - The Synod is publicly saying that we need ways to get youth and their families engaged in the mission of the Church. We need to create opportunities and resources to help youth defend their faith, stand firm in the faith, and share the faith. Sound familiar?... That's what OAFC does!
2) The Licensed Lay Deacon decision - at the convention discussion and in the reports that were sent out ahead of time, the Synod was clear to say that we need to continue to equip congregations (not just pastors) to share the Gospel. Much of the discussion of the Office of the Holy Ministry at Convention has ensured that we are very clear as a Synod that lay people need to be trained to share the Gospel with people in their communities. Sound familiar?... That's what OAFC does.
3) Lutheran Identity - There were a number of resolutions focusing on our Lutheran identity. In our education, worship, and relationships with other people, the Convention affirmed that we need to act like and sound like Lutherans. OAFC has always been committed to proclaiming the Law and Gospel message that Lutherans are known for, while constantly seeking to make our evangelism efforts about connecting people to Word and Sacrament ministry in their local community. We strive to be Lutherans. We strive to engage in mission and evangelism. That's what OAFC does!
4) National Missions resolutions - nearly 75% of the delegates approved the new Synodical evangelism program "Every One His Witness." In talking with the coordinator of this program, Rev. Mark Wood, it's clear that the goal of this Synod-wide program is to do exactly what OAFC has been doing for 46 years, now: train lay people, young and old, to share their faith in everyday situations. The heart of that program is a Listening, Asking, Seeking, Sharing, Inviting, and Encouraging process (L.A.S.S.I.E.) that puts into practice exactly what we do when we take our religious survey during OAFC weekends. We've already been teaching this, latently, and we look forward to actively partnering with Every One His Witness in the future to do this more. That's what OAFC does!
All in all, the Convention demonstrated a great awareness that we, as the LCMS, need to be doing more evangelism and training our members to evangelize. It showed that we need especially do this with our youth to strengthen their faith against the assaults of the culture. It commended all of this to be done as Lutherans in Lutheran ways. Sound familiar?... That's what OAFC does!
The Synod Convention in Milwaukee, WI has had some exciting decisions that show that we need what OAFC does as a Synod, as local churches, and as the world. Here's just a quick look.
1) Delegates adopt new mission priority, resolutions on youth and family - The Synod is publicly saying that we need ways to get youth and their families engaged in the mission of the Church. We need to create opportunities and resources to help youth defend their faith, stand firm in the faith, and share the faith. Sound familiar?... That's what OAFC does!
2) The Licensed Lay Deacon decision - at the convention discussion and in the reports that were sent out ahead of time, the Synod was clear to say that we need to continue to equip congregations (not just pastors) to share the Gospel. Much of the discussion of the Office of the Holy Ministry at Convention has ensured that we are very clear as a Synod that lay people need to be trained to share the Gospel with people in their communities. Sound familiar?... That's what OAFC does.
3) Lutheran Identity - There were a number of resolutions focusing on our Lutheran identity. In our education, worship, and relationships with other people, the Convention affirmed that we need to act like and sound like Lutherans. OAFC has always been committed to proclaiming the Law and Gospel message that Lutherans are known for, while constantly seeking to make our evangelism efforts about connecting people to Word and Sacrament ministry in their local community. We strive to be Lutherans. We strive to engage in mission and evangelism. That's what OAFC does!
4) National Missions resolutions - nearly 75% of the delegates approved the new Synodical evangelism program "Every One His Witness." In talking with the coordinator of this program, Rev. Mark Wood, it's clear that the goal of this Synod-wide program is to do exactly what OAFC has been doing for 46 years, now: train lay people, young and old, to share their faith in everyday situations. The heart of that program is a Listening, Asking, Seeking, Sharing, Inviting, and Encouraging process (L.A.S.S.I.E.) that puts into practice exactly what we do when we take our religious survey during OAFC weekends. We've already been teaching this, latently, and we look forward to actively partnering with Every One His Witness in the future to do this more. That's what OAFC does!
All in all, the Convention demonstrated a great awareness that we, as the LCMS, need to be doing more evangelism and training our members to evangelize. It showed that we need especially do this with our youth to strengthen their faith against the assaults of the culture. It commended all of this to be done as Lutherans in Lutheran ways. Sound familiar?... That's what OAFC does!