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OAFC Summer Training 2018 Evaluation
Indicates required field
What experience do you have in OAFC?
New to OAFC
1 Year
1-2 Years
3-5 Years
5+ Years
How many Summer Trainings have you attended, including this one?
This was my first
2-4 Trainings
5+ Trainings
How old are you?
Local Adult Leader
Male or Female?
How many Travel Teams have you served on
This was my first
4 or more
Local OAFC Group
Illinois - Central
Illinois - Southeast
Iowa East
Missouri - Central
Missouri - Southern
Texas - Houston
Texas - Wichita Falls
What was your favorite part of this year's Training?
Please share how Summer Training helped confirm or deepen your faith in Christ.
How did this year's Training help equip you to share your faith in your daily life?
What would you change about Summer Training if you could? (Mark N/A if none)
What workshops would you like to see at next year's Summer Training?
In response to the discussion at the annual meeting about the 2018 summer training schedule, we would like to use this evaluation as a way to prepare for summer training 2018.
If a vote would have been taken at the annual meeting about the 2018 5-day schedule change, how would you have voted?
Yes, I agree with the 5-day schedule change.
No, I would like to keep the 7 day summer training schedule.
What 3 activities would you add back into the 5 day schedule, and why would you want the activity added back into the schedule (Is there a training benefit or a fellowship benefit)?
In a discussion with Pastor Tassey since summer training, he has expressed a desire to keep a 7 day training schedule; however, he does receive more negative and hesitant responses from churches when asked to host a 7 day training than positive responses. The good news is, it only takes 4 yes answers to schedule a training. Pastor Tassey is asking for your help. If you are willing to talk to a couple of churches that you have had weekends at or churches in your area (3-4 churches are needed) about hosting the 2018 summer training, that would be wonderful. If you could pass along promising information to Pastor Tassey no later than
August 30
, then he could communicate with the Pastors and report to the board at the next board meeting. He is already talking with Pastors in Michigan, but nothing is set yet.
I will contact a few local churches to see if they might be interested in being the host for the training or host a team for the 2018 summer training.
If yes, what state will you be contacting churches in?
Submit Evaluation